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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nicki and Mariah Carey Fight on American Idol

Why anyone would allow themselves to act like this is beyond me. I think Nicki and Mariah are awesome artists in their own right, but what the hell happened here? I wonder how American Idol is going to go down. Here's the transcript:

Nicki: "And if you've got a ****ing problem, handle it. I told them I'm not ****ing putting up with your ****ing highness over there."

Mariah "Oh Why, why, why do I have a three year old sitting around me?"

Nicki: "I'm not sitting here for 20 million having her look down here repremanded everyday. No."

Mariah: "I can't see my kids because you decided to act like a little crazy bitch and go all around the stage."

Nicki: "Go see them now, go. You're boring as ****."

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